Lamesa 2 - Maynilad
- Client: Maynilad Water Services Inc.
- Name: Rehabilitation, Retrofitting and Process Improvement of Lamesa 2 Water Treatment Plant
- Theme: Asset Management, Process Improvement, Retrofitting, Rehabilitation
- Scale: 900 MLD
- Timeline: Engineering (Jun/2016-Dec/2016), Procurement and Bidding (Aug/2016-Sep/2017), Construction (Oct/2017 onward)
- Upgrade the existing Pulsator WTP (900MLD) to cope with
- High turbidity events in raining seasons (e.g. NTU up to 2000);
- Slow performance of Sludge Extraction System under high turbidity events;
- Rapidlly deterioration and corrosion of structures and assets;
- 7.2 magnitute of earthquake.
- Provide better integration and connectivity with the Lamesa 1 Water Treatment Plant (1200 MLD) and the Sludge Treatment Facility (STF) being designed and constructed by JFE Contractor.
- Provide fully Automation and integration (e.g. SCADA)
Roles and Responsibilities
- Project Management
Lesson Learned
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